Thursday, January 21, 2021

Senioritis In Music

 Has anyone else felt like they are dragging their feet about school work? I know that I probably should not write this where our teacher is able to see it, but the difficulty of getting through homework especially seems to be 100x harder! I've gotten into two colleges and have applied to every college that I am going to. I feel like the rest of this year is not as important, even though my mind is saying that the end of the year is close, and I just have to maintain my grades.  

The real problem, however, is not the school stuff because we will all muddle through that. The problem is that the music that I listen to seems to remind me of high school being over! I know that that sounds weird (I have accepted that I am, in fact, eccentric {which is a nice way of saying weird}), but the song Rivers and Roads reminds me that we are almost done. The first line is "a year from now we'll all be gone, all my friends will move away," which reminds me of college. Another song that I have recently heard is Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran, which is a song about coming home (at least to me). I also have heard Yesterday by the Beatles recently, which Clara and I jokingly talked about singing at our senior chapel. Y'all, it's getting to me. If you have any "Senioritis Songs," please post them!   


Unknown said...

Hey Renee! I actually haven't been super affected by senioritis YET. I think it's because I haven't actually gotten into any colleges... Hopefully I'll get into one by next weekend. I have been spending more time on my phone, though. I will take "study breaks" and go on instagram for sooo long. And then I'm like, "Izzy, why didn't you just go to sleep?" I also, am trying to maintain my grades through the end of the year. Only 3 more months! Crazy. Most of the music I listen to isn't end-of-the-school stuff, though. I will say I used to listen to more upbeat music like 80s rocks, but now I'm listening more to 70's soft rock because it's calmer, and I don't feel like getting all pumped up. I did sing along to my 80s music in the car driving home yesterday, though. School seems to be a bit calmer this semester, so I'm looking forward to the more free time to read and hang out with people during lunch, break, and whatnot. (Hope I didn't just jinx myself). I'll try to think of some "Senioritis Songs"... I really hope we get to have some form of Senior Chapel. It'll be really emotional I'm sure. It's usually the same day of state track, but it's a week earlier this year. So it won't be like I'm actually done after Senior Chapel. Last year of high school is already well-under way! Wait, I have one (a song). I'm not very familiar with the song but I know the main chorus—"thanks for the memories."

Unknown said...

Hey Renee!! I totally agree. While senioritis is already bad on its own, it’s even harder getting constant reminders about how fun college is. My brother always talks about how he doesn’t miss the 8:00-3:30 schools day at all and how he can’t even fathom how he got through it all. I also keep in touch with a bunch of cof2020 kids, and they never shut up about how great college is. While I don’t have any senioritis songs in mind, I’ve been listening to slower music which makes it 10x harder to get through the day.