Thursday, January 7, 2021


 I'm sorry Mrs. King, this post is not educational or related to school in any way, but it's the topic that's in my head right now, so have some word vomit.

I had four mango pieces in my lunch yesterday, but I didn't eat them until I got home. Maybe it wasn't completely ripe, but three of the pieces were very hard and scratchy, and then the last piece was the opposite, super mushy and almost overripe. It didn't make any sense that they came from the same mango, but whatever, that's not the point of this.

Mango is not good. Even when it's perfectly ripe and doesn't sit in your lunch for 8 hours, mango just really doesn't taste that good. There are so many better fruits that you could eat, why would anyone ever purposely seek out mango? I didn't feel strongly about this until I posted "mangoes taste like flavored cardboard" on my Snapchat and multiple people swiped up to tell me I was wrong. I normally wouldn't care, but the fact that four or five people, including one of my friend's exes who I haven't talked to in months, confused me. Why do people who like mango feel so strongly about it? I don't care if you like a fruit but why did multiple people feel the need to attack me for my (correct) opinion? Therefore, since the majority of people on the side of those who like mango overreact when someone says they don't like it (this exact situation has happened to me in the past, where people are just aghast that I don't like mango, for whatever dumb reason. Why should they care, it just means more mango for them), I have decided to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. If mango is ever a topic of conversation between us, and you say you like it, I will attack you and your beliefs. Because apparently, liking a fruit that tastes like flavored cardboard is something that many people are passionate about, so I think I'm allowed to be passionate about how painfully below average it is for all the hype it gets.

Again, this is not an important post, Mrs. King, but I felt it had to be said. Mango is just not that good.


Anonymous said...

Stop I love mango.

Unknown said...

Okay thank you Laura! I don't like them either. It's just one of those foods. I'll do some word vomit with you, I cannot stand avocados. I know I will probably get attacked because of this, as I know a lot of avocado stans are super passionate; I'm sorry but I just don't get it. The texture is...horrible. I know a few people that can't eat it without throwing up JUST from that. Honestly, it's not great but it's not the worst part for me. Why does it taste like that? I thought it'd be naturally tastes like fruit. It really tastes almost like a kiwi to me, but when I said that I got a strong look from my mom (who loves avocados). I just want an explanation as to why people like it so much that they eat it so much that the prices soared. "Avocado toast" is like a main staple at most breakfast places now because of YOU people that love them so much...I can't.

alright I'm done now. thank you Laura, for giving me a medium to express my distaste.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this! My whole family is obsessed with mango, and I just hate it. It is extremely messy to eat, and, as you said, it's weird and scratchy. I would much rather any of the other tropical fruits like pineapple. I'm also the type of person that gets grossed out by textures, and mango has the strangest one. Whenever you need someone to back you up on the whole "mango sucks" argument, please call me.