Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I Freaking Love Freaks & Geeks

So, as some of you may already know, the cult classic show Freaks & Geeks has been added to Hulu earlier this week and I am so happy about it. I first watched this show the summer before my freshman year and ever since I've become obsessed. A quick rundown for those who have not seen it, it follows a girl named Lindsay who tries to break away from her goody-two-shoes image and starts hanging out with the school "freaks," while her younger brother (the "geek") tries to navigate his way through his freshman year. I know, it sounds super cheesy, but I SWEAR it's good. It's also really, really funny. You know, it was actually created by Paul Feig, who also helped make another hit show, The Office, but that's beside the point. Everything from the music to the clothes, to the dialog, is perfect. Even the cast is insane! There's Linda Cardellini (who I think Rikki looks like), James Franco, Jason Segel, Busy Philipps, and Seth freaking Rogan. And although I was not alive during the 80s, which is when this show was set, I still think that this show is the most realistic portrayal of High School I have ever seen on a TV show. What's disappointing, however, is the fact only ONE season was made. Do you want to know why that is? It's because the president of NBC didn't go to a public high school and didn't "understand it." Like I'm sorry, but what? Another disappointing factor is the lack of diversity in their cast. Literally not one POC. But overall, I really do enjoy this show and I hope you guys check it out sometime. I highly recommend it. Also, I'm sorry if this blog was really all over the place. That is kind of how I get whenever I talk about something I enjoy!

(Also, in episode 3 they talk about Existentialism and Crime & Punishment by Dostoevsky in their English class and I was like, "Wait! I'm learning about that too!!")

Oh! One more thing, but the guidance counselor in the show eerily resembles Mr. Van Young. They act, talk, and even look very similar (if Mr. Van Young had long, Shaggy from Scooby-Doo looking hair). I'll leave a photo of the guidance counselor under this. 


Unknown said...

Alright, Erica, you win. My mother and boyfriend both agree that they see the resemblance between me and Linda Cardellini. I see it too, more in the general features than anything else. It also helps that I have the generic "small white female with brown hair and brown eyes" that a lot of actresses have (this is part of the reason why I started dying my hair darker). It sucks that we couldn't find a really good app to combine our faces to see just how similar we REALLY are, but I honestly might keep looking because I'm curious. We have different face shapes though, which might be the biggest difference she her features are angular and mine are more rounded.
I'll also put this on the ever growing list of shows that I need to watch...some shows or movies might have to take priority because SOMEONE believes I'm uncultured but it's fine...I am.
Anyways, thank you for showing me my celebrity twin!

Unknown said...

Hey Erica! I love this. I haven't seen that movie yet, but the way you described it makes me rlly want to watch it. I love those types of movies. And that picture of the character that looks like Van Young, I can't. It's too good.