Saturday, January 9, 2021

Make America Great Again?

 Hey guys, 

I have already posted twice for this week, but I really would like to take the time to talk about the RIOTS (not protests) that took place on the 6th. What occurred that day was AN ATTACK on our country's democracy by so-called "patriots." This event was a blatant showcase of our nation's deep-rooted systematic racism, when only capitol police was put in place to protect these rioters, while at the peaceful BLM protest, there were national guards in full-gear attacking these protestors (keep in mind these protests only got violent when the police showed up and brought violence with them). What makes me the most angry is the response our "president" gave to these people... calling them "special people" and "true patriots." It wasn't til the next day, when Trump released a video on his twitter condemning the riots, while still calling them "fine people." These rioters are terrorists, who crave the need for a "revolution." Now it makes sense why these same people are still SO OBSESSED with the Civil War and to this day are carrying around confederate flags (like are you not embarrassed they literally lost). Also can we just talk about HOW CRAZY THESE RIOTERS LOOK?!?!? One guy who showed up at the capitol was literally wearing a shirt that said "6MWE", which means "6 million wasn't enough," referring to the Holocaust. These people are literal neo-nazis, who are so devout to Trump solely because he makes their beliefs (racism, sexism, homophobia) normalized! 

It is only the first week of 2021 and already I want this year to be over. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in an eternal reality show, and I am so goddamn tired of it. 

Hope you guys are staying safe.


Erica Ricci


Unknown said...

Hey Erica,
I think that you would really like the CAC's Make America What America Must Become. There is one painting that really goes with the topic of the crazy rioters and the idea of the how nationalism is destroying our country. There is a man standing in Walmart, holding weapons, and stepping over dead bodies. There are American flags, but the colors are yellow, white, and green instead of red, white and blue.
Each piece in the exhibit is a response to what is going on in America currently. While they were made before the attempted coup, I think that you would really like it.

Unknown said...

Exactly!! It’s absolutely ridiculous!! They even took down an American flag and replaced it with a Trump flag. A very telling gesture. Facebook has already made it so Trump is banned, and many other social platforms have followed suit. I don’t care if he only has a couple of weeks as President, I want him impeached. Maybe this will bring some common ground between the Republicans and Democrats (since a lot of Republican politicians have rejected Trump post-riot). However, I see a lot of Trump supporters online who defend the riots. They act as if it’s on par with the BLM protests, saying only a small percentage of the protest stormed the capital building (As if conspiracy theories were as legitimate a reason to protest as racism). This needs to end. I think the Trump flag being put over the American flag is symbolic of how they’ve strayed from the original ideals of America, which they claim to want to uphold. It’s terrifying, moronic, and very telling about our political state.


Unknown said...

We are currently studying nationalism of the early 19th century in AP Euro, and it sounds a lot like today. The nationalism grows, then the "nationals" feel like the government is not supporting that nationalism, and finally they attempt to overthrow the government. (super over-simplified version)