Monday, January 25, 2021

Fre-shavaca-do Toast

 My new obsession: Avocado toast. 

Before you ask: yes, I do have to finish an article for the halo, do my French assignments, and complete my math homework that was technically due today, but I think I can get away with waiting until tomorrow to submit. Will I end up doing maybe only one of these things? Yes. Is it also a possibility that I will ignore every single one of these assignments altogether? Also yes. 

Back to the original plot of the movie: toast. First of all, toast itself is amazing. I like butter and orange marmalade on it, but that's not the point. I made avocado toast this morning, and I put 1/4 of an avocado in a bowl and mixed it with salt, pepper, garlic powder, lemon juice, and hot sauce, and put it on my toast. It's so good y'all. I was actually a little late this morning because I made myself a piece of avocado toast and put it for my reason for being late in the sign-in sheet. 10/10 would do again, I regret nothing.

P.S. - Do not fret Adriana, Rikki, and Izzy. I will have the article in by Wednesday. 

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Any suggestions for next time?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved your Ted Talk, Leven (minus the procrastination part but....)! I am also a huge fan of avocado toast. But only 1/4 of an avocado? Weak. I use half an avocado for each piece of toast, and I usually have at least two slices (for the mathematically challenged, that's a whole avocado). My dad actually went on an avocado buying spree when I was making so much avocado toast (like 15 avocados!). I can't usually make it for school because I like to wake up later and just take my food to go (a bad habit, I know, but I really love sleep). I also love to add eggs. First, it was over-easy eggs, then it was scrambled eggs. I like the scrambled better now, a little on the wet side. I put the bread in the toaster and then spread the creamy avocado (sometimes with lemon, salt, and pepper) on the toast. Then, I put the butter in the pan, crack in two eggs, stir it up, and add some CHEESE and cut-up garlic. Slide the eggs onto the toast and ta-da! Some yummy avocado toast and scrambled eggs. I would make it a lot after practice during the summer when I wanted a big breakfast. Randomly, I also added tiny cut-up apples one time and that was also pretty good. I hope you like my avocado story/recipe!