Friday, January 8, 2021

Christmas Break/College Rant

 Hello my dears, 

I still have to make my surprise for you all that I promised before break. I procrastinated (so someone should get on me to actually do that). Sorry about that. 

I wanted to come here today to talk about college. I applied ED to Duke because it was a place I wanted to be for YEARS. Well, I didn't get in. I'll be honest, deep down I always told myself I wouldn't, but it obviously still hurt. I didn't cry for the first 15 minutes or so, simply just stating "I didn't get in" to my mom and going back to the video I was watching before. Then I sobbed and ate some creamed spinach that Hunter made for me while I watched some ghost show to distract myself. I felt numb for the rest of the night after eating, and honestly stayed that way for the majority of break. That's how I started off my break. 

I didn't get out of the house really. I stayed in bed, doing absolutely nothing. It honestly felt nice, like a good recharge. Looking back, not the best way to cope, but it's what I did. I was forced out of the house a few times but other than that I just sat around, convinced I failed my family. That was really what got me; I didn't disappoint myself, but them. I obviously have other choices for college, but it would've been so simple if I got into Duke. No worrying about arguing with my parents about California, no planning trips to Florida to visit the schools I was accepted to, none of that would have to happened. Now, it's something I'll have to deal with. I'm pushing it back for now since I won't get any more acceptance letters until March, and I'm glad for that because it's not something I want to deal with just yet (maybe just me continuing to procrastinate). 

In other, more personal news, I did have some good things happen over break. I met someone! Yeah, I know, not super important but it is for me and I'll tell you why. This is monumental. After my last relationship and train wreck that the breakup was, I was ready to be single for the rest of my youth because I simply couldn't deal with those emotions again. It caused me to push away a lot of people, even if they would've been good matches; I just wasn't ready. I needed to work on myself a lot and I was convinced that I would never would be done on the interior work. I didn't even find anyone attractive for a long time. Suddenly, over break, I found this guy and my first thought was "wow he's cute, I'll follow him." I was honestly surprised because it had been so long. I won't make you readers suffer through all of the details of the guy. I'll just say that I'm happy for now. 

Writing this out felt good, but now I'll turn it to you guys. How was everyones break? Relaxing? Did you get any good gifts for the holidays that stood out? Anything you wanna share (I'm making this a therapy group almost with this post)? 

Sincerely yours, 

the Princess of New Orleans (or at least that's what he calls me) 


erica ricci said...

Hey Rikki!
My break was pretty much the same... stayed in bed, watched a lot of TV, and got deferred from Tulane. I'm sorry that's really not funny, but I have come to accept it honestly. I do think however I have a pretty good shot when they look over my fall semester grades because, not to toot my own horn, but they were pretty fantastic. Anyways, I am so so happy about your new ~somebody~ Rikki. You went through hell and back with *he who shall not be named*. It's about time you find somebody who treats you like the queen that you are and judging by the video you posted of y'all on Snapchat, he seems super sweet (and so your type). No offense, but you were really doing some charity work for your previous boyfriend... tehe...
Much Love,
Erica Ricci

Unknown said...

I didn't realize Rikki dated Voldemort, or are we referring to another person who shall not be named? Actually, re-reading Erica's post, I believe a correction is in order to "it who shall not be named." Plus, I hear other members of our class would be delighted by his nationality, but that's not the point. March is gonna be a fun month, no doubt.

Yours truly,

Unknown said...

You can't seriously say, "oh I met someone" and not follow that up with any details! Feel free to talk about him (actually, I would definitely like to hear more, and I do not have Snapchat, so I haven't even seen the video)! I am so glad to hear that you finally have moved on from "he who shall not be named." I hope that your new relationship is MUCH better than your last one!
My break was pretty chill also. I got money to build a college wardrobe (if someone reads this, I do need suggestions of websites to shop on. Maybe I will make a seperate post? Also, style? I am basically throwing out my entire existing wardrobe, so I also have to figure out a style.) Anyway, the big thing for Christmas was that my brother got an electric guitar. Also, Olive (the most Slytherin dog ever) got some new cute sweaters. Her favorite was a hoodie that says "No filter needed. I'm this adorable." Every year, we do a Christmas "theme" which has ranged from Dr.Seuss to Poinsettias. This year's theme was "eco-friendly". My brother said that it should have been "sh*t hit the fan."