Saturday, January 30, 2021

Cute fun facts I learned

Cute fun facts:

 Rats and mice are ticklish, and they laugh. 

Crows have been observed playing pranks on one another 

Honeybees communicate through dance 

Every cow has a best friend and they hang out everyday.

Most penguins only have one mate for life. Gentoo is penguins propose to their life mates with a pebble. 

A group of pugs is called a grumble. 

Otters have a pocket in their skin to keep their favorite rock in. Using it, they break shellfish on their bellies to eat. 

Squirrels will adopt other squirrel’s babies that are abandoned.

Sweden has a rabbit show- jumping competition called Kaninhoppning.

Dolphins have names for each other.

Just felt like sharing. I have lots more to post for the future if y’all like this. 

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