Saturday, October 17, 2020

Which Disney Character are You?

 Hey guys! So I was thinking about how we have taken Harry Potter quizzes regarding which house we would be and which Greek god or goddess we would be, so I decided to make a quiz to rate everyone on which Disney character they are. I love Disney so much, and you can quiz on random Disney knowledge and I will assure you that I know it. Therefore, I thought doing a Disney quiz would be very fun for the class. At the bottom of this post is Google Form for everyone to fill out. Below is a list of Disney characters and their traits. DON'T associate a person with a Disney character based on their looks, but try to relate it to their personality. 

Ariel- besides being a mermaid and rocking the long, red hair, Ariel is a very curious girl who is always willing to learn more about the human world. She collects everything she knows (including dinglehoppers, of course) in order to learn more and connect with the world. Besides being thirsty for knowledge, she is also brave and not afraid to take risks!

Aladdin- he may be invested on himself a lot of the time (in order to survive), but he also cares about others very much. He is quick-witted, yet always has it for the right intentions. He is very fun, and overall very brave and has a big heart.

Olaf- Ok, so Olaf is one of my favorite characters (I know, tangent).  Anyway, Olaf is one of the sweetest characters who is always down to give hugs to whenever someone needs it. He also has big dreams and never gives up on them (even if he is a snowman). He is always curious and also willing to take risks to achieve their dreams. 

Mickey- What everything in Disney leads to. He is loyal, funny, a great leader, and willing to embark on adventure!

Stitch (Experiment 626)- besides being cute and cuddly, Stitch is brave, curious, fun, extremely loyal, and always has his priorities straight ("Ohana means family, and family means no one gets forgotten"). While he was raised to be evil, he has good morals and is overall a sweet and loyal creature.

Elsa- While being very reserved and quiet, she always has good intentions and cares about others. She is always classy and elegant (I mean she is a queen), but that doesn't stop her from being mature, courageous, and selfless at times.

Mulan-  While not technically Disney royalty, she is one of the most influential characters in Disney history. She is brave, and not afraid to break standards to help her community. She is very intelligent, and smarter than the other men she fought with. She doesn't care about what people expect of her, and is able to take risks, learn, and help others.

Chip n' Dale - These are actually going to be TWO people. This is going to go to two people who are fun, and not afraid to cause trouble (not in a bad way). They are clever, quick-witted, and ready to take on whoever goes after them. 

Cinderella- while being royalty, she is strong-willed, determined, and extremely humble. She is always down for a good time, but she is overall extremely kind, hard-working, and loyal to others. 

Simba- He is strong, always a kid at heart, extremely brave, and not afraid to learn and to stand up for himself. I mean as Simba says, he's "always working on my ROAR!"

Snow White- While being young (in the movie she is apparently supposed to be 14!), she is always extremely kind, has the best intentions, extraverted, optimistic, and hard-working.

Hercules- I put this one in since we are talking about Greek literature, and so we can hopefully watch the movie as a class. While originally being known as Heracles, he is strong, determined, initially introverted, a little clumsy at times, sweet, and extremely warm-hearted. While he is more shy, he is still a hero to others and still values good morals. 


Princess Camila 

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