Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Carpe Diem: Don't Take Anything for Granted

 Hey y'all! So yesterday I was taking a shower and felt a little light headed. The next thing I knew I was sitting down. It took me a second to realize I had passed out. I tried to get out of the bathroom to go lie down and passed out again. I felt like I hit my head, but I couldn't really remember. The only injury I had was a busted lip (which isn't great because I have an audition due on Saturday), but still, I was distinctly disoriented and unsettled. My life flashed before my eyes when they said, "The risk of drowning is significantly higher if you take a bath, so be sure to avoid long hot baths (and showers)."  

    I know this story sounds really morbid, but it just made me realize how precious life is and how very lucky I am. I am fine now - it was just a combination of low blood pressure and exhaustion that caused me to faint, so now I get to eat a ton of salty food (yay Cheez-its!) to raise my blood pressure. Anyway, this whole episode has reminded me to be grateful for every single day because you never know what may happen, and also, to get better sleep! I will definitely take shorter showers (no more watching the "I'm Flying" scene over and over again haha), but more importantly, I will try not to rush through life just to get to the "next important thing." (Also, isn't it ironic that I lost consciousness in the shower after watching clips from a movie about people trying to escape the water?) I need to remind myself to seize every day (hence the title of this post) and to take a moment to stop and smell the roses along the way rather than just plowing through life. Anyway, sorry for this long post, but I hope y'all enjoyed reading it! Also thanks for all the well-wishes on my practice account! :) 

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