Friday, October 9, 2020

Rambling about how my Senior year has been

    Hey y'all! It's been almost 2 months since senior year started, and my goodness, life feels so weird right now. I feel like I'm dreaming. I'm submitting college applications and registering to vote, and it all feels so surreal. I truly feel like I'm still 12 years old and that I'm too young to be voting next month. But at the same time, even though life feels like life is flashing by, I'm dying to just turn to a new chapter and go to college. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like senior year has been sooooooooo draining. Maybe it's because of the hybrid system, but I swear I've never been this exhausted. I used to never procrastinate, and I was always so motivated, but this year I'm seriously struggling to do the smallest of tasks. I just feel like things in my life are changing so quickly, and I can't keep up. I did just get out of a longterm relationship 3 months ago, which was refreshing, but again, so strange. I'm just having trouble navigating all these changes. I just wanted to ramble a little bit and see if you guys are feeling the same in terms of how your senior years are going and if you have any tips to cope with this early onset senioritis lol. 



Unknown said...

I feel the exact same wait Sofia. Life feels so odd right now, it’s like everything that we expected isn’t there anymore, yet all of the stress still is. I think it might be because a lot of the “fun” things about senior year aren’t possible right now. We’re growing up and dealing with so many adult-like things while still being considered children to most adults. Not the mention, so much is happening in the word that it’s just expected that we are able to keep up with all of it (if that makes any sense). But at the same time, like you said, there is a sense of urgency to just get out and get to the college part of life. Honestly, try to take this time and reflect on the past couple of years. It’s what I’ve been doing, and it’s helped me get over a lot of the things I’ve regretted like past relationships and other issues that I’d been pushing off because I kept telling myself I wasn’t ready. Like I was FINALLY able to get over my last relationship and try to love myself because we don’t need someone to do it for us; men are trash. One perk of us not being able to do as much is that ability to have a lot of time to think back on our lives, and really appreciate all of the things that have happened and help us grow. I know this isn’t super motivating, because I really can’t help with procrastination since I have always done that. I hope that the stress dies down soon and that we’re finally able to have a really good last year with each other because a lot of us won’t see each other for a really long time after we go to college. Just wanted to share, because I really felt this one.

Unknown said...

Hey Sofia! I feel the same way. I have never left an assignment to the day of in my past three years of high school, but this year, the majority of my assignments are done during my second period study hall. I know what you mean about feeling exhausted, and I agree that it's probably because of the hybrid system. The day feels so long because lunch is so early, and I'm very tired for periods five and six every day. I'm partially glad that they're changing it for second quarter, but at the same time, I think I'm going to miss having online days. I enjoyed having two or three a week as a nice break from going in person and having to worry about all the new rules and walk around the whole school just to get to a room that was 20 feet away. But, I think it'll be nice to be back to a consistent routine, especially since they're going back to the rotating schedule and a later lunch. I feel cheated out of a bunch of senior experiences too, like the retreat, and lunch leave, etc. This isn't how I thought my senior year would go, and I'm not having a good time. But oh well, at least we're all going through it together and can all agree that this sucks. Hopefully it gets better before the end of the year.

Camila Figueroa said...

Hey Sofia! I totally feel the same way about senior year. The hybrid system just made everything so tiring for me, and honestly, it's been harder to focus with this system. In general, I don't focus as much on online rather than when I'm at school, because at home I know I'm in an environment where I can feel literally "at home." I am sad that we don't get to have a normal senior year like most people do, because I have heard that senior years is one of the best years. I wanted to experience Homecoming, STM Day, Prom, and so much more, but because of Covid not all of that is possible. I am happy, though, to have a Ring Day. I know prom was cancelled for us last year, but to have Ring Day is so good, because it's traditional. I was so excited to spend my senior year with my friends before we go off to college, but some people are online and some of my friends are in different classes that I don't see them. I also wanted my senior year to be more relaxed because Junior year is usually very stressful. But now, I am stressed with classes, SATs and college applications. I really want to have a normal school year soon (as in I hope Covid goes away) so I can truly have fun in highschool before I can start this next period in my life. Overall, Covid sucks. But, a way we can help prevent it is to: WEAR A MASK (unlike the President, sorry don't mean to be political), STAY AWAY FROM OTHERS WITH COVID (or symptoms of it), and overall don't mess with corona.

Unknown said...

Hey Sofia! I definitely feel the same way. I've had a lot of disappointments this year as many of my musical activities have been cancelled - I was supposed to go to play in Vienna and tour France with my orchestra over the summer, both of which were postponed to next summer. I also qualified for the NAfME All-National Orchestra, which got cancelled. I was so heartbroken about this because I had practiced my audition piece for hours a day for months, and I was really looking forward to going to Florida in November. (I understand that it was not safe to hold it in November, but maybe they could've postponed it rather than cancelling it outright...) This Saturday would've been my last AllState audition, and even though it's been rescheduled to February, it's virtual and the overall experience won't be the same. It is a struggle to stay motivated, especially when the honor bands that I would participate in seemingly every weekend are all cancelled. But that's why I made my practice account! I'm working on this really cool new piece called Hunter's Moon (which I just posted about lol) that makes me look forward to my practice every day. Anyway, all this to say, we can definitely make lemonade out of the lemon-scented Lysol wipes COVID has given us. Stay strong y'all!

Unknown said...

I can totally relate, Sophia! I also have a major sense of FOMO because it feels like we are the end of a lot of the traditions, or we are at least a pause in those traditions. I also think that somehow senioritis set in when we were juniors because we were not in a traditional "school" setting. I think that the best (and only) way to prevent us from going into senioritis too early is to treat this year like a restart. What I mean by that is we should all get to know each other like by acting like we've never met. I know; it sounds crazy. I however have recently realized how little I know about my classmates. What college do you want to go to? What major? Favorite color? I think that this year needs to be a one of new beginnings because we need to focus on how we can get through this together because the end of our high school career looks much different than we imagined. We cannot not try to act like this world is normal.