Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Why is it that during Halloween and other times of the year people find genuine happiness and excitement and scaring themselves?  I have literally spoken to people who have gotten upset with movies because they did not scare them enough. I don't understand where the interest in, raising the hairs on your skin, comes from. I have always been a scary person, and I will admit that I do not enjoy horror movies so I am biased. The scariest movie that I watched was the nightcrawlers by Stephen King, and that was a mistake because I thought it was going to be a movie about two people that fell in love because I changed the channel when I saw Nightcrawler kissing the girl they were trying to kill and I thought like it was going to be one of those twilight romance movies and that was during the time when I was reading Twilight so I was like let's watch it. It was not like Twilight. AT ALL. And I hated the fact that I was scared afterward, I did not want to turn off the lights because I knew the nightcrawlers would come and eat me alive. And if you watch the movie you know that the cats will save the girl's life. But I didn't own any cats! So I hope you have a happy Halloween and just to know that this season I will once again be watching Twitches, which scares the crap out of me.

Also if you can...


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