Thursday, October 15, 2020

sharing a pic of my pet (for Adriana)

 Hey Adriana! I know I'm not formally responding to your post, but that's because we aren't able to include photos in responses, unfortunately, only original posts. So, I'm responding informally here to your post about pets.

My dog Sadie had to be put down at the beginning of my junior year, and the house felt very empty without a dog. She wasn't energetic or playful in any way. She didn't want to be on you all the time or cuddle, but she did want to be close to us all the time and just be around people. So, even though she wasn't clingy, there was a presence missing. My dad didn't want to get another dog because he felt as though we couldn't replace Sadie, since she was a really good dog, but after some convincing, my mom and I got him to agree to getting us a new dog. Now, my mom and I wanted to get a shelter or a rescue dog. I've always wanted to save a dog, whether that be from a shelter or from just a bad situation in general, and my mom agreed. My dad, however, didn't like the idea of that since many shelter/rescue dogs are mutts, and he thought that was a bad idea because you "don't know what you're getting." He was out of town one week, and my mom and I went to a one day event held by the Jefferson Parish shelter where you could adopt a dog for only $15. We found one that we fell in love with, Eddie. He was a Boston terrier/Rottweiler mix, and he was the sweetest thing ever. His old owners had moved houses and left him, so he had abandonment issues, and they were obvious. As soon as my mom leaned down to pet him, he started pushing into her leg, like he was trying to get her to stay and just be petting him no matter what. We told my dad about him, and he agreed to do the "sleepover" that the shelter offered, where you take the dog home for a night and see if your home would be a good fit. Unfortunately, Eddie was already spoken for, and was only at the event in case the family wanting to adopt him fell through. That was really annoying, because why would you put a dog out and make it look like he's adoptable when he's not? But, because of that, my dad decided that since we couldn't get the shelter dog that we wanted, then we would get a purebred or no dog at all.

So, my dad decided the breed that we got, and he picked Boykin spaniel since he had heard good things about them. Plus, Sadie was a Brittany spaniel, so he has a preference for spaniels anyway. So, we went all the way to Mississippi to pick out a dog from a breeder. Boykin spaniel breeders are extremely strict. They aren't like puppy mills at all, so please don't think we're like those people who keep the bad breeders in business because we keep buying inbred and poorly treated dogs. The people we bought Polly from are very good people, and there's even a whole Boykin Spaniel Society that you can only join if you own a Boykin, haha. So, we got a Boykin puppy.

Polly started off super sweet and cuddly, and she's still clingy, but now she's just a complete spaz. We've heard that once they turn 2, they usually do a complete 180 and calm down a lot. I'm hoping that's true, because she's about 17 months old and is still as crazy as she was at 6 months. She has a big problem with biting and jumping, where she jumps on people as soon as she sees them and instantly jumps up and tries to get up to their face. She has a huge vertical jump, too, so it's not good for my short friends, haha. She likes my mom the most and follows her everywhere, probably because my mom gives her the most attention and spends the most time with her.

I don't know why that was so long, but enjoy that long story about the process of getting my dog. And enjoy pics.



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