Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Results of Fatal Flaw Poll (finally)

Hi Class, 

Oops, sorry for taking so long on this. I've been trying to figure out how to post the results in a form where you can see everything and I couldn't figure it out (I'm bad with technology). I'll just type it out and give you guys what you got for the top 3 votes, or any votes that got more than 5. If some of the number seem low, it's mostly because the votes were so split. ALSO, a side note for Ms King, Leven wanted you to know that she actually took this quiz and gave you every single flaw...might want to reconsider that blog membership. 

Adriana: 3 vanity, 3 ability to resist challenge, 3 misplaced trust

Renee: 6 ambition, 7 excessive wrath, 7 ability to resist challenge, 8 pride 

Deryn: 3 excessive personal loyalty, 4 impatience, 5 excessive curiosity 

Sofia: 3 vanity, 4 excessive personal loyalty, 7 low self-esteem

Catherine: 5 vanity, 6 feeling of inferiority, 6 anxiety  

Clara:  5 over-analyzation, 6 excessive curiosity, 7 anxiety

Camila: 3 impatience, 5 feeling of inferiority, 7 vanity

Abbie: 5 low self-esteem, 5 excessive curiosity,  6 impulsivity

Laura: 3 holding grudges, 5 impatience, 6 low self-esteem

Erica: 3 excessive personal loyalty, 3 misplaced trust, 4 excessive jealousy

Izzy: 4 excessive curiosity, 7 over-analyzation, 11 ambition

Ms King: 4 pride, 4 over-analyzation, 5 impatience

Rikki: 5 ambition, 5 anxiety, 6 holding grudges,

Hunter: 5 pride, 5 excessive curiosity, 6 over-analyzation 

As for flaws that were suggested we have: Lust, Mommy/Daddy Issues, dead dad, and "being a freaking loser." I really wish I know who suggested what, but I will keep these quizzes anonymous for the time being. I do have another quiz idea relating to "it girl songs" that I will explain next week or the week after, but I'm assuming you guys are a bit tired of my polls and will give you a break. 

Edit: Some people think that these quizzes bring out the worst in us and make us rely on others for validation. I can see that point, so I'd like to invite you all to comment on this post to say how you feel about the results or what you think you should've gotten. I personally like doing these to see how others perceive me and to try to learn more about all of you through the results, but I can see the argument.  


Unknown said...

RIKKI NO PLEASE NEVER EVER EVER TAKE A BREAK FROM DOING POLLS. Rikki please I beg they are the only things I look forward to anymore.

Unknown said...

Hey Rikki! I totally agree with Erica! I absolutely love your polls! I get so excited seeing the posts and results. They also really make me think more about our classmates, and I think that's really important as a grade. Senior year is going by so fast, but I think it's good to stop and reflect every once in a while. As for you thinking that the polls bring out the worst in us, I believe it more lets us know how others perceive us. Perhaps someone didn't know about one of their "fatal flaws." Now that they do and they realize it is true and they don't like it, they can work on fixing it. It is an opportunity for improvement. Or maybe someone has a prominent characteristic that is actually really good and people like. We should feel proud of who we are, not ashamed or try to hide ourselves. Before these polls, I didn't think other people would use the word "ambitious" to describe me, but when I think about it, it's true. I'm not content to just roll over or give anything less than my best. I'm not afraid to say I want to win (just ask my cross country team). I think I work really hard to achieve my goals, and people see that. Maybe it can be a flaw at times, but I personally think at least a little bit of ambition is good (as long as it doesn't negatively affect others). I think it pushes us to succeed. That being said, I realize it can turn negative if I take it too far or it gets in the way of other important things, like happiness.

If people really have a problem with the polls, you could just exclude their name option for the poll. That way, they don't feel obligated to participate or see how others view them, but the rest of us can still do the poll. I hope no one would be offended with this option, but if you are, feel free to comment! Just trying to come up with a solution that everyone is comfortable with. I personally really love these polls and would hate for them to go away. I think you're doing a great job, Rikki, and I know others feel the same (see Erica's comment above for proof).

Anonymous said...

Woah, woah. I took the quiz BEFORE I was granted verbal permission from Ms. King for Hunter to add me to the blog. And I promise, voting for all the flaws was in good fun, Ms. King.

I agree with Izzy and Erica. I love the polls! Even though I've only taken one, I have heard about all of them through Laura, Rikki, and Izzy. I think Iz had a good idea, letting people who don't want to participate be allowed to vote for other people, but keep their name off the list. What if people also made positive trait polls? I don't know, I think that would be a nice balance.