Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Erica's Corner / Fish Mom

Hey everyone! I am proud to announce that I am now a mother to a little baby betta fish. My mom surprised me with him last weekend after I have been bugging her for weeks about wanting one. I've decided to name him Gibby after my favorite character from the timeless Nickelodeon show, iCarly. He is really pretty and has holographic scales! We also purchased the LED strip tank to help reflect those cool colors he has! In his tank he has lots of plants, moss balls, rocks, and even toys! I didn't even know they made betta fish toys! Gibby for the most part is pretty gentle and isn't all that aggressive compared to other betta fish. He is very happy, and he is starting to show more colors in his scales, which means he is very healthy! Gibby loves to do this thing where he swims up to the top of the tank by the filter (that pushes clean water out like a waterfall) and lets the waterfall push him down by the gravel. He does it a lot. Like a lot. Anyways, that's all I have for right now! See ya later! Oh! And here is a picture of the one and only, Gibby:

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