Saturday, October 24, 2020

Mental Health

 I know that this year has been really difficult on all of us for many reasons. What are some of the things you guys like to do to help you mentally?

I really enjoy going to the gym and weight lifting. For the past few months, I’ve started to eating better, and have really started to see changes in my body, and it’s something I’m really proud of. 


Unknown said...

Hey Adriana!! I can definitely relate to the fact that my mental health has gone through so much this years. I’ve developed some seriously terrible habits, like over analyzing things. So something I like to do to escape my thoughts is work out and meditate. I’m an extreme overthinking and I’m so hard on myself it’s almost toxic lol. Meditation and exercise are things that allow me to escape the negative thoughts because I know I’m doing something good for myself. The piece of mind I get from practicing some self care is so great. I really recommend journaling as well. I love to just write my feelings out, leave them on the page, and move forward. 2020 has been the hardest year in my entire life; these are just some habits that relax me.

erica ricci said...

Hey Adiana! As said by both you and Sofia, my mental health has been through some severe ups and downs these past few months. As most of you probably know, I am in love with fashion. Everything about it. And what I do whenever I am bored or am not feeling like myself, I like to put together some outfits with the clothes that are already in my closet. I don't really know what it is about clothes for me, but it makes me feel so much better, both physically and mentally. My style has changed (I'd say) pretty dramatically since last year. Last year, my style was more so like Free People and Madewell (effortless, while still fashionable) while my new style is way more "early 2000s" and a tad edgy. Anyway, I just love fashion and I love the way it makes me feel. Another thing that makes me feel calm, while not feeling the best, is music. I just hit "shuffle" on my playlist and absorb into the music. Music truly transports me into another dimension.