Monday, October 5, 2020

VP Debate

Hey everyone! So, I just wanted to discuss for the upcoming VP debate this Wednesday... Now to be honest, I don't think this debate will be as "eventful" as the Presidential one, but i do think it will be ~easier~ to watch. Both candidates are pretty tame, but one is more vocal about world/social issues, while the other just lays lows and only speaks on certain issues when asked. Now, this deabte is more important now because of the president's positive COVID case. This causes both side to take a step back and re-evaluate their views on this COVID pandemic. It will definitley be the most impornat topic brought up! I find it so funny how the impact/importance of this election has caused many of us to care about the P/VP debate! Before this, I really never really cared for the VP debates, or really even the Pres. debate! I understand how privileged that sounds, but I was 12-13 for the last debate, okay! Like I said earlier, this deabte won't be as "comedic" as the previous one, but I do feel like it will be interesting to watch because one VP candidate and is for the younger generation/more progressive, whereas the other is more for the older generation and has more traditional values. Anyways... I will update you guys on some key points mentioned, as well as any silly highlights! Also, up until the end of this election, I will be frequentley talking about politics and these debates. So, I am sorry if I am boring you guys!! I just am so into reading/watching about this kind of stuff! Thank you for your time, Erica Ricci

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Erica! I saw this post after the VP debate, and let me tell you, I enjoyed watching that compared to the Presidential debate. I too never really cared for watching the VP or Pres. debates either, and not because I was young, but I thought our hands for whichever candidate would be in good hands (nevertheless, I didn't understand all the political concepts I do now). I realize that these debate are so important for America, because America needs all the helps it can get on getting a President and Vice President who can lead the nation and save our country from racism and prejudice. After watching the "13th" documentary, I was really shocked about the incarceration rate in this country compared to the world. I was also surprised how for very white man 1/17 get incarcerated, but for an African American man, it's 1/5! That's crazy. And I don't want to be a fly on the wall (or in other words a fly on the head *cough cough* Pence) watching all of this go down, so I am so interested in spreading the word of the impact of prejudice in this country. But we need a powerful President and VP to lead the way as role models for this country. And not only for the prejudice in this country, but also how to deal with Corona! We need leaders who will take steps to prevent this pandemic and really care for the health of the people. As of right now, everything if impacted by it (like high school) and we need to take steps to prevent it. In all honesty, I feel like one candidate from the VP debate was more prepared on how to tackle these issues, and the other just used his manners as a way to get support (but had no evidence).