Friday, October 16, 2020

How We All Feel

 Hey y'all! I know I went off about how "disappointed" I was in a comment to Sofia's post, but don't worry, I won't reiterate any of that. Instead, I wanted to share with y'all this iconic clip of Kevin Sorbo yelling "DISAPPOINTED!!!" in Hercules. I thought it would sum up all of our feelings about how things have turned out for our senior year (not that it's all bad - Ring Day was awesome!) but just the many senior traditions that have been cancelled and other senior privileges that we don't have this year, like lunch leave. Does anyone else relate to this clip? ;) 


Unknown said...

Hahah- I think I might just start yelling "Disappointed!" whenever something doesn't go slightly my way. It's actually strange you posted this clip, because I was just thinking about being "disappointed" the other day. It really did bum me out at the things we were missing. For some reason, I just got so irrationally angry. I was thinking of Ring Day and how we never got any of the "rising senior" things. Like, we never just the passing of the candle on the last day of school, and the seniors never handed our rings to us. It just made me so mad that all these traditions were going out the window and no one really seemed to care. It's like, "At least we have this!" but I just wish we had the real thing. (I am grateful, though, that we "at least have this.") I know the school and people around us are making an effort to make this year seem as normal as possible, but I still feel like they don't experience it like we do. "All you're getting is a ring/candle. It's not that important," but it is important to us. It's all the mini-milestones. The adults got to experience these things, so they don't know what it means to miss them. I know there are much more important things in life, but I feel like the little things still count. I'm probably just being dramatic; it's just how I feel at the moment. I know time will make things seem different. Interesting how in my last post I said I wouldn't really change anything about my life, and I am happy with who I am; I just miss some of the little things.

Unknown said...

Hey Clara! I love that clip so much. Since we will return to school full time on Monday, you guys will definitely hear me saying that at least once everyday before, during, or after class. I know the faculty and staff are trying their hardest to make this year as close to normal as possible, but I'm honestly disappointed with how they're working with us as seniors. I genuinely feel like we're a great class who have never gave them any serious trouble, but I feel super neglected. Yeah, I know it's not that deep, but the fact that they we don't even get open study hall is ridiculous. We're seniors, which means that we should have earned their trust for little things like this. I know we all would socially distance if we could have open study hall, so what's with the delay? Ugh, I try my hardest not to let my disappointment consume me, but it's really hard not to. Glad we're in this together!!

Catherine Ronquillo said...

awh, I loved this clip Clara as I think we all can completely relate! This senior year is just so crazy. I remember being a little kid watching High School Musical or Hannah Montana and just being so excited to have that normal high school experience. It's just so insane to think how that was kind of taken away from us, even though it's out of no one's control. I know none of us ever thought this is what our last year of high school would look like. As sad as it is, I think we're all just trying to make the most of it and I know everyone's doing their best in these unimaginable circumstances. This pandemic truly showed me how much I used to take for granted and it's really made me appreciate the little things. I hope as the year continues we can begin to have some sort of normalcy back, even though that sounds almost like a dream at this point!

Unknown said...

Clara, I love this clip because Disney can really relate. This senior year has been crazy. We did have Ring Day, which was nice, but of course it was different because of corona. For example, we had our ring day in the theater instead of the chapel, which isn't bad, just feels different. I do hope, though, that we can have homecoming feel as normal as possible under these circumstances. I drew the Homecoming t-shirt design this year, which was exciting, but I hope we can celebrate many of the things we have done before.

Unknown said...

Hey Clara!! I loved the clip!! We should definitely have a weekly Disney clip from you!! That’d be so much fun!!
Honestly, I’m kind of disappointed we’re going back to school in person. This may sound selfish, but hear me out. Here’s all the cons to going back to school:
1) we can no longer sleep in some days
2.) we won’t have hardly any free time in between classes
3.) the schedule will be crazy again
4.) there’s no school days where we don’t have to wear masks
5.) idk about you guys, but I get super exhausted from basic human interaction, so yeah.
Anyway, that’s just my lil tangent 😊