Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Masque of Covid-19

Because of my isolation I have started tearing through my library. Of course I started with Edgar Allen Poe because he's a great author with a tragic story and mysterious death. When I found his collection, it sparked a memory from class. So here is the result of that.
The Masque of Red Death is one of My favorite of Poe's stories. Ironically we are mirroring the plot of the story but let's hope we have a better ending than what's in the book. The Red Death is a "pestilence" (inspired by TB) that causes you sharp pains, dizziness, "profuse bleeding at the pores" and death withing half an hour. Metal. Now our protagonist, Prince Prospero, decides that he and his court are going to lock themselves in an abbey and ride out the storm. It's basically one giant party. Considering I myself am lock within my own home would understand wanting to have my healthy friends locked with me. I don't know but read the story for yourselves and tell me there isn't a weird parallel.
Peace out
here's the story for those who actually want to read it

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