Thursday, April 1, 2021

Covid/Teeth Update

 Hi my friends, 

My week has...not gotten better. I got my Covid vaccine on Monday and I felt completely fine for the first few hours but around 8 p.m. my muscles felt as if I couldn’t move. It felt like I had just ran several miles when all I’d done was sit on my couch. That night I actually slept for 8 hours, which is rare because I have insomnia causing me to only sleep about 3-4 hours a night. I was excited about getting so much rest but then the other symptoms started. I won’t make you read all of the gross details but I had: a high fever (101-103), severe muscle aches, my arm that I got the vaccine doubled in size, nausea, extreme vomiting (7+ times in one night), etc. It was horrible so I finally begged my mom to take me to the ER because I Like I just knew someone was seriously wrong. We got there at about 7 and they ran a few tests, including a covid test just to make sure I didn’t have that as well that came back negative. After speaking to the doctor and a few nurses, they all concluded that I must be allergic to the shot. If I wasn’t, my symptoms should have been long gone and not progressively getting worse. It luckily wasn’t a life threatening reaction or else, as the nurse said, “you would not be here” and just a mild reaction to something used to dilute the vaccine. They aren’t certain but that’s their best guess. They want me to still get my second vaccine to see if that’s really the case, and so I can enjoy life again, but I won’t lie to you and say I’m not nervous about that. They gave me like 4 or 5 different pills to take to treat the symptoms and some juice to get some fluids inside of me, and they made me feel so much better. We left the ER at around 10-10:30 and since I was starving, I got a burrito from Taco Bell. 

This morning I had to be at a different hospital to get my wisdom teeth removed. We were worried they wouldn’t do the procedure since I was on the verge of fainting multiple times last night, but they did it anyway. The nurse was super nice and we actually talked all the way until they put the sleeping medicine into the IV. I was giving laughing gas to calm me down and we were talking about the equipment when she asked “how are you not asleep yet?” to which I replied “I have anxiety, it keeps me awake.” I’m glad she thought that was funny because if a therapist heard that they’d be more than concerned. Anyway, the wisdom teeth aren’t too bad. Definitely not as bad as the tonsils AND I didn’t wake up speaking French when taken off the anesthesia! I consider that a big big bonus. Sadly, Hunter, I actually didn’t do anything funny when I came out of surgery. I just sat there and got in my car and went home. I don’t remember much of it though, but my mother said I was very quiet and it looked like I was thinking a lot. Overall, wisdom teeth removal was a 8/10 but that’s definitely only because they were underdeveloped and didn’t root at all. 

I hope everyone has a great spring break, I miss you guys. 

Much love from my drugs, 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds like an awful break! I mean, allergic reaction and wisdom teeth? I hope you are feeling better!