Sunday, April 25, 2021

LYRE Magazine

Hey y'all. So Erica and I have been working on the LYRE magazine (finally), and we did a little last night, but then tonight I just kinda... did almost everything in one go. I have no idea where this burst of energy/motivation came from (yes I do, it came from the bag of dark chocolate espresso beans that I ate at 11:30 lol), but now I'm like hyperfixated on it and don't want to stop working on it. But there's literally nothing else I can do right now because Ms. Davis hasn't sent us the art submissions yet, and I've put in all of the writing pieces. So what now? It's 3:03 a.m. and I'm not tired. I tried to work on my screenplay, but that just wasn't doing it for me, so I literally just keep looking over the magazine to see if there's anything else I can do. 

Also, if anyone has anything that they'd like to submit to the magazine, I know the deadline has technically passed, but I'll accept it anyway. There weren't a lot of submissions this year, so the pieces are kind of by the same people over and over again. Which I guess is fine, but I'd like it if we had more than just the creative writing class plus like 4 other people. So if you have a poem, short story, anything like that, feel free to send it to me or Erica and we'll try to put it in. We haven't turned anything in yet, so we can add whatever we want.

Okay, goodnight, I'm gonna try to go to bed <3

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