Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Vaccine Update

 Hey guys,

So I got the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday, and I am in so much pain. I already knew that the second dose hits a lot harder than the first, but I did not think it would be this bad. My doctor says the side effects are different for everybody, but it's just my luck that I get the worst possible symptoms. I also feel bad that I'm missing so much school, but it's taking me like half an hour just to write this short blog post. I just can't focus on anything. I am so delirious! It literally feels like I was hit by a bus. Not that I would know what that feels like, but I am just assuming that it feels a hell of a lot like this. Anyway, when all is said and done, I am glad I got the vaccine. I just look at this as doing my civic duty, or whatever. 

Hope you all are doing well.



Unknown said...

Well that is not good, Erica. Feel better, sexy!

Much love,
Laura McCrary

Unknown said...

Hi, Erica!

Was I driving the bus that hit you? Also, Laura, please refrain from calling Erica sexy on the blog, as it's inappropriate.


Unknown said...

feel better, s*xy

Unknown said...

Hi Erica,

As someone who also has dealt with horrible side effects, I feel you. I know you’re feeling better now but this is really for anyone who still hasn’t gotten their vaccine: do that arm spin. I’m serious. Every single person I’ve talked to who spun their arms after getting vaccinated had no soreness or pain the day after. If you get the Moderna shot, I even recommend doing it in time with “9 to 5” so it matches your Dolly Parton souvenir. Anyways, I thought I’d share that medicinal advice.

The other sickly kid

Renee Angerer said...

I’m kinda scared of my second shot to be honest. The first one gave me a fever (with Motrin in my system) and I could not sleep because my arm hurt so much. I plan on getting my second shot after May 7th because I really can’t do it during exam week or State track. Even with the pain, I am still glad to get it though because I refuse to get Covid again!

Unknown said...

I just got my second dose right before spring break, and it was so bad. I went to school that day and I was fine, but later that night I started having the chills. It was really bad. After shivering and staying underneath my blanket for an hour, I started to get really hot. But if if took my blanket off, then I would be freezing. I then found out I had a fever. It was definitely not fun. I couldn’t really get up, and when I did, I felt weak/lightheaded. I took some medicine, and I couldn’t sleep well during the night. The next day, I had headaches throughout the whole day and had periods where I would get the chills. I am glad u are feeling better!