Saturday, April 17, 2021

College Update

Hi, y'all,

I have some exciting news to share. On top of officially committing to Georgia Tech this week, I found out this afternoon that I was invited to join one of three freshman Living Learning Communities: Global Leadership, Honors Program, and Explore. The last one is essentially a pre-med track, so I've basically ruled that one out, but I'm back and forth on the remaining two. Honors is your typical honors track, not much to add there. But Global Leadership just sounds interesting. Plus, the dorms for that program are on East Campus, which is right by where all my classes will be, so I'm leaning more towards that one. See y'all Monday!

Yours truly,


Unknown said...

Congrats Hunter! That’s so exciting! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Congrats Hunter! That’s so exciting! Good luck!