Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Marbles = lost

Hi guys! So I’m spending Monday-Thursday of Mardi Gras break doing college visits (I’ve already made a mental decision of the one I want to enroll in, but I’m going to save that for next week when blogging is mandatory), and today I toured Sewanee at 3 pm. Our next stop is Jackson, Mississippi, so I can tour Millsaps, and we’re currently about 40 minutes away from our hotel. HOWEVER, the roads are kind of icy, and some trucks thought that it would be a super cool idea to crash, and so now we’re stuck! Sitting. In the car. We can’t move, and we’re probably going to be stuck here for at least another hour or two because the crash was really recent and emergency vehicles haven’t even arrived yet. So that’s really really cool that we were already going to arrive at the hotel at around 11 pm, but now it’ll be midnight if we’re lucky. And my tour tomorrow is at 9:45. Very cool.
It also just started raining as I was typing this. Raining ice. Sleeting. Yeah.

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