Sunday, February 28, 2021

Book recommendations?

 Hey lovelies, 

I’ve gotten into this habit where I read both the Bible and at least a chapter of a book (right now it’s Warbreaker by Branden Sanderson) every night. I used to read for fun a lot before highschool. It’s not that I didn’t read for fun 9th, 10th, or 11th grade, but that it wasn’t something that I did on a regular basis. I need books that are genuinely fun to read because I don’t want reading to become a chore again. Does anyone have any book recommendations for me?

(I’m open to most genres, but I’m not the biggest fan of nonfiction, books about wars, or existential literature.)

Thank y’all!! 


Catherine Ronquillo said...

hmm let me think. the hate you give is really powerful. it got me to be extremely passionate about racial injustice and although it's heavily talked about, i think it's a must read. call me by your name is equally as good as the movie. also, this is a little embarrassing but the to all the boys ive loved before series consumed my freshman year of high school and i want someone to experience the same amount of joy those books gave me.

erica ricci said...
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erica ricci said...

Hey Abbie!
I think you would really like Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller! I read it during quarantine back in April and I love this book so so much (it's actually a play, but you get the point). I was actually just telling Rikki about it too! I know you said you didn't like existential literature, but this really did make me think about life and my very being (in a more interesting way than you think). Also, all the main events in the play occur in the span of 24 hours! Kind of like Ulysses, but with more punctuation! Anyway, hope you get to check it out sometime!
Much love,
(I accidentally deleted my original comment. Oopsies!)