Saturday, February 22, 2020

Would Heaven Be Torturous?

While it seems like a strange concept, I think that heaven has the potential to be another type of hell. While reading Andreas's blogpost about comfort, I began to think about the afterlife. Most religions propose a place of eternal bliss that is reached after death, but if comfort is, in essence, torturous, then what does that make heaven. Heaven, at least to me, seems like a place where only happiness and comfort could exist. If struggle is what gives life meaning, then a place where one is always comfortable would eventually become torturous. Sure it would seem fine for a while, but eventually, one would do everything that could be done. Once people have nothing left to do, they would fall into boredom, which would last forever. A state of perpetual boredom certainly seems like hell to me, but what do you guys think. Is heaven just a different version of hell?

P.S. If you would like to watch a show that poses the same types of questions, I would recommend The Good Place

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Growing up in a church, I’ve always been taught that there is no concept of time within heaven. Even though heaven is said to be a place of “eternal bliss”, it’s because we are finally fully living in accordance with God. This doesn’t mean infinite money, infinite food, and infinite luxury. This is a state of tranquility in which we are at ease with our relationship with God, therefore we are forever saved and protected by our savior. There is no time and no boredom because being in the presence of God is our final goal in life and nothing else matters. It’s like hitting the highest and most triumphant point in your life to the point where you never care about anything else or have any more instinctual needs. So the need for comfort, the need to keep ourselves busy or the need for entertainment isn’t even a concern in our minds when we go to heaven.