Tuesday, February 4, 2020


I just wanted to gage people's thoughts on Notes from Underground so far.

I have to say, I'm not a fan. The speaker seems very very very repetitive and honestly I'm bored to death by it. He won't shut up about advantages and how advantageous the advantages are, and how man is stupid but we can't say man is stupid because if man is stupid can anyone be not stupid?

I'm sure I'll like it more in class.


Unknown said...

Tanner, I completely agree with your opinion on Part I. I felt like every important quote I highlighted meant the exact same thing except worded differently. The monologue became frustrating to read after a while because his whole point could be summed up in one page in my opinion. I like part II much better so far, and I like that the arguments he made in part I are backed up by the confessional. It is clear to see where his pessimistic views on the world stemmed from. Part II made me hate Part I slightly less, but I'm still not a fan either.

Unknown said...

Personally, I actually like reading Notes from Underground, but I don't exactly like the main character, the Underground Man, that much. He is very narcissistic and has no desires to have other human connections or interactions. He is stubborn on his views and doesn't want to seem to change or be influenced in any way. He is also very pessimistic and bitter about life in general. So, while I seem to dislike this character, I actually enjoy reading this as a whole because I find it very interesting. Also, we talked about this the other day and Ms. King told us how he is not actually living underground. But when I first started reading it I pictured it as him being a middle aged man sitting in a lazy boy chair with sunglasses on in a dark underground cave. What did y'all think when first reading it (in Part I)?

Unknown said...

I agree with Tanner. I really had some trouble reading Part I as it seemed to be several pages of just frustrated rambling. I'm enjoying Part II a lot more simply due to the more narrative nature of the story, but Underground Man seems certifiably insane. He is extremely obsessive, an extreme narcissist, and a control freak. He is a generally unlikable person.