Tuesday, February 4, 2020


So, Dostoyevsky makes it clear that the nameless narrator in Notes From Underground is not a real person at all, but people like him likely exist.

This makes me ask all of you here today; who do you know that's like the narrator in the book that we are reading, if anyone?

He personally reminds me of my best friend from back home in Knoxville, TN, Cole. He's a strange dude. He has black hair and drives a Mercedes convertible. He smells stale and has a tendency to ramble on like our nameless narrator.

Actually, all this nameless narrator talk gives me an idea for another blog post.

KTDSI out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unlike you I don't exactly know someone who is like this because I don't think there can be a person who is 100% always like this all the time. I feel like how the Underground man talks and acts can be a specific mood. Like everyone at some point can get into a mood where they are just being stubborn and bitter and just not happy in general. So I think we should start calling it the "Underground Man Mood." Anytime we catch each other acting like this we can call out this mood. What do y'all think?