Saturday, February 15, 2020

Rosin powder should only be applied a couple of times.

I have a violin with two strings.  Given this, what's you guys' favorite violin concertos?  I personally enjoy occasionally listening to Paganini's La Campanella.  Whats more interesting, I've found that the violin really is one of the hardest instruments to play, given that to play it properly you have to put the proper amount of pressure on the bow, and on top of that the amount of pressure changes when you want to play a different note.  Also, to play louder or softer, you have to use the bow faster or slower.  Although, I've only ever played one with two strings which were out of tune.  I tried stringing it and failed.  It makes noise though.  

Thank you


Unknown said...

Though I am quite pleased that the topic of violin concertos has finally surfaced on the blog, I am utterly disgusted by your taste in Paganini. I must say that I find much of Paganini's later work derivative and jejune. His earlier work such as his Caprice No. 24 is far superior to the drivel that is la Campanella. I would even theorize that Paganini's use of mercury and opium, combined with his untreated syphilis, caused massive neurological degeneration leading to a massive drop off in the quality of his work. Ultimately, I find your opinion both uninformed and lacking sophistication.
Not with anger, just disappointment,
Brandon Clementine Stokes

Caprice No. 24:

Unknown said...

As a violinist of 10 years I must say that I agree that violin is one of the hardest instruments to play. It takes a lot of concentration and discipline to no make it sound like a dying cat (I still squeak sometimes though). That being said, I have never played Paganini with my teacher as she thinks he is “just not as good as many other great composers”. I agree with Brandon that is was the syphilis that ruined him.

Elliot P. said...
