Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Joaquin Phoenix's speech at the Oscars !!

As I watched the Oscars this past weekend, I very much enjoyed Joaquin Phoenix's speech. I feel that he was deserving of the Oscar for Best Actor, and his speech stood out from any speech I’ve ever seen. The style and delivery reminded me of the material we’ve been studying in class: Notes from Underground. Phoenix seemed to be criticizing our current world, specifically the injustices, as well as human behavior. At one moment he said, “And I think we fear the idea of personal change because we think that we have to sacrifice something, to give something up, but human beings, at our best, are so inventive and creative and ingenious.” This part of the speech reminded me so much of Notes from Underground. Just like Dostoevsky, Joaquin Phoenix was brave enough to reveal the raw realities of our society and how we treat/interact with our surroundings. He dares us to push for change within ourselves and to see our commonality with others, regardless of how different we think we are. 

I suggest ya’ll watch Joaquin Phoenix’s speech, it’s very inspirational and moving !!
(Although when he starts talking about baby cows and milk it was a bit strange haha)


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