Friday, February 14, 2020

The Underground Man?? ORRRRR Joe from "You"?!?!?!

There's a fairly new Netflix Original called "You." It's about a man, Joe Goldburg, who forms obsessions with women and peruses them through stalking and manipulation. He's also very jealous and believes these women do certain things for him in order to get his attention. Sounds kinda narcissistic if you ask me. Immediately when we started reading Notes from Underground, I saw a correlation between the Underground Man and Joe. Just to get a better gist of this character I attached a link with some of his moments. I also would recommend this show to anyone who likes a little drama. It's weird because he's a bad guy who does bad things, but you're still rooting for him. WARNING the show is TV-MA... Sorry Tanner... this ones for MATURE audiences ONLY!!!


Bharat Solanky said...

This is a really interesting comparison. I've only just started watching "You", but I have noticed similarities between Joe and The Underground Man. To begin with, Joe is a very observational person, and he notices the slightest details about everyone. This relates to the Underground Man's observation of the Officer after the bar scene. The Underground Man stares at and walks past the officer countless times before eventually bumping into him. Furthermore, Joe really wants love and to be loved. He obsesses over the women in his life and will do anything to protect them, even going as far as killing others. The Underground Man is like Joe in that he loved Liza and felt sorrow when she saw him fighting Apollon. Finally, both "You" and "Notes from Underground" are both told from the perspectives of their respective main characters.

Unknown said...

I actually just finished the second season of “You” and to be honest I liked season 1 way better than season 2. I definitely recommend this show, but like Sara said, it’s definitely for a mature audience. I also agree with Sara that Joe in the show is very similar to the Underground Man. Both are very narcissistic characters, but I will say I think of a very big difference between the two. The Underground Man is a very negative person (or persons being portrayed) and he really only talks about the negatives in the world. But Joe tries to make “negatives” positives and it’s kind of creepy. He talks about these women and how he feels they “need” him to “save” them. He thinks it is his calling to save these women and love them. So yes, very creepy, but a very interesting show.