Saturday, February 15, 2020

I think Valentine’s Day is dumb and here’s why

Valentine’s Day is stupid. I said it, sorry Sara (thanks for the fun dip). I’ve never really like it because I think it’s so dumb that we hype up one day for love and romance. Like why can’t you do something special for your person ANY day of the year?!? I say we boycott Valentine’s Day! Down with Hallmark! Also I realize this is a day late but I was at a ball so I forgot to blog about it hehe sorry...


Unknown said...

I respect your opinion but I disagree. We should celebrate the love and bonds we have with other people. However I think its dumb that companies take advantage of it in order profit off of peoples love.

Unknown said...

100% disagree. I understand what you're trying to say here, and I think it'd be great if we could celebrate the special people in our lives everyday, but, unfortunately, that's just impossible. As humans, we get caught up in life, usually the bad parts, and we forget to appreciate the people in our lives that make it a somewhat tolerable. Having holidays like these give us the chance to take a break from life and shower the significant people in our lives with love and affection (not just romantic partners). Valentine's day, along with other holidays, is just a reminder to send a some love out into the universe. Also, Hallmark movies will always persevere no matter how hard you try to bring them down!!!! But kudos to you, Nic, for being edgy and quirky ;)

Unknown said...

I used to kinda have a problem with valentines day as well. I didn’t see the hype in dedicating one day of the year to love and appreciation towards significant others. It shouldn’t take one day to show that person in your life that you love them, or to make everyone not in a relationship feel crappy about themselves. What I do love is as a society we’ve transformed this strange holiday that was originally intended for romantic relationships, into an appreciation for the friendships in our lives. This holiday has deemed the term “Galentine's Day”, where girls show love for their friends and thank them for the support and love they’ve received in all their friendships. I like that we’ve taken a spin on this holiday.