Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Volleyball (RIP)

 Hey guys! So as y'all know, the volleyball season ended last week. This was my last year to ever play high school volleyball, and I'm very frustrated that it ended the way that it did. I ranted about this to most of y'all already, but for those who don't know, the refs we had during our regionals game were absolutely awful. They made a bunch of bad calls that you could tell that they knew were bad calls, but they didn't want to admit that they were wrong. At the end, McGhee was winning 22 to 20 (you need 25 to win a set), and they had already won 2 out of 3 completed sets (it's best 3 out of 5, so if they won that set then they were going to win the whole game). We were called as out of rotation by one of the refs, because a girl had done an illegal substitution. However, illegal substitutions are not rotational errors. It just means that she went in for a player when she had already been put in foe a different player earlier, which is illegal; you can only sub in and out for one person. But, instead of just taking away our point and making the girl go back out, the ref said that our actual rotation was off, that we were in the wrong positions. We didn't think she correct about that, but she was so insistent, so we let her put us into a different rotation and started the next play (t's now 23-19 because we lost the point we got while the girl was in illegally, and they automatically get a point for that). But as soon as the next point started, the ref blew her whistle and said that we were out of rotation- even though she was the one who changed our rotation to begin with. We had been in the correct rotation during the illegal substitution, but she told us to change it, and then when we did, she called us out and said we were out of rotation for the rotation that SHE put us in. So, this led to a 20 minute discussion between the refs, coaches, and bookkeepers, but it eventually ended with McGhee getting the point and making it 24-20. Then, she put us into the rotation that we had originally been in before we lost any points. It's so frustrating, because even though we likely would have lost anyway, it feels very unfair that we went from 20-22 to 20-24 because of ref error. We did have an illegal substitution, but it was all her fault that we were out of rotation. Prudence said to her "but you put us in this rotation" and she said back "I'm not responsible for what you do after the whistle blows!" What were we supposed to do?? Change the lineup that you were supposed to check before you started the play? Literally what do you get paid to do??

Anyway, I'm sad that my last season had to end in such an unfair way, especially since the McGhee parents/fans were incredibly rude to our fans throughout the entire 20 minute debate. They were chanting things like "we're gonna win, you're gonna lose!" at our stands, and I heard a woman yell "It doesn't even matter cause you're gonna lose anyway!" I also saw an adult woman do that thing where you put your thumbs in your ears and waggle your fingers. Very mature, glad they could get pleasure out of bullying a bunch of teenagers because they're mad that they peaked in high school and still act like they're in it so they can appear cool to their kids.

Anyway, if you're in sports, tell your coaches to never use that reffing company. I don't know the name, but you could probably find out from Scioneuax.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, Laura. I am really sorry to hear about that. I know that y'all have worked so hard this season. I would always see y'all practicing in the gym late after school and saw the effort y'all put in. It's really sad that your last season ended the way it did. The sports I have done don't usually use referees in determining parts of the race. It's all on your own, so you can only blame yourself if things did not turn out how you wanted. (Though it would be interesting if there was always a referee telling you when you could or could not let someone pass you...) To have something like that out of your control is very frustrating. When I did track one year, I was trying to qualify for state at regionals in the high jump. The way it works is if several girls cannot make the same height, they look at how many misses you had had at previous heights (you get three attempts at each height). Whoever had the least amount of misses "wins." If each girl had the same amount of misses, you do a jump off. So flashback to regionals one year. We were competing for 3rd place (top three go to state). Another girl and I went out at the same height. However, her coach was the judge of the event. He said that the other girl had not had any misses (though we all saw that she had). So instead of having a jump off, she just beat me. Perhaps she would have won the jump off anyways, but it's upsetting that I didn't even have the opportunity. High jump was not my favorite event anyways, but it still would have been nice to make it to state in an individual event. I at least got to compete at state, though, because my relay team qualified. Well, that long story was to say that I'm sorry this happened to you. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you stay strong.