Monday, November 9, 2020

In Da Club by 50 Cent

 Y'all it's my birthday, and I turned 18 years of age. And I am so happy! Because now I can finally vote!  Because that is all I can do. In a country where you can enlist in the army at 14 years old with a parent's consent, I am still unable to drink or smoke.  Honestly I have no desire to do either, and I'm not just saying that because Miss King is watching would I write right now. But I find it very interesting how as a country we find this okay. How  is it okay for us to risk our lives for our country and claim that we understand that we are in fact taking a chance that could very well end our lives yet still not be trusted to be able to understand and appropriately determine whether or not we can handle a can of beer? I don't mean to condone alcoholism or smoking or drug abuse or any substance like such but I do want to know why is it that this country is putting its needs before its people. That is what it seems to me. It seems that a country can make an excuse for a child to hold a gun and use it against the other is for the name of protection of private property and the core beliefs of a Nation, yet will put their foot down when it comes to that child drinking because that is not healthy for them. We American countries have made it for the United States government to make excuses to suit their own personal agendas. I am going to end this blog right here before I become an anarchist.

 note the song above is my key birthday feelz

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