Friday, November 20, 2020

French Class

 Hey Y'all!

So this is the first year in middle and high school that I couldn't take French. It wouldn't fit into my schedule! I was so disappointed because I was so ready to have French class as a part of my day for my senior year. 

My parents, being the problem solvers that they are, were like: "You should look to see if they have online classes." Then, in a fit of divine intervention (or a maybe just a well-timed email), I was told that Duolingo has online events! It was the answer to my problem! I have joined this awesome class that is an Intermediate French Speakers class on Zoom. The class is so cool because it is attended by people from across the world. One day, I was in a small group with someone from Guatemala and Canada. 

The class is really just a time to practice small talk in French, which is exactly what I was looking for. The most interesting conversation was about when people of your culture say thank you to a server at a restaurant, but I think that the best part is that there is no homework.  

I wrote all this to say that I hope that y'all are keeping up with the hobbies that you love. I know that during Covid times, it is hard continue with those small things that you love, but I think that now is the best time because we all need those little excitements to keep us going. What is one thing that keeps you going during school hours?


Unknown said...

Hi Renee,
I’m so glad to hear that you were able to find those Duolingo classes. If you don’t mind, can you tell me a little more about them? Do you have to pay, and where can I find it. I’m trying to strengthen my Spanish speaking skills, and I only really speak it when I see my grandmother which is every few days, and it’s not much practice...

Unknown said...

Hey Renee! I also was disappointed I wasn't able to take French my senior year. I also have taken it since middle school. However, I am glad to hear that Duolingo has alternatives to being in a classroom to help strengthen your French skills. I might want to check this out because I love to travel, and so I would love to participate in conversations with people around the world. It also relates to a dream of mine to be a broadcast journalist, where I can talk to people about everyday things and events around the world. It would even be cool to be an international broadcast journalist (like CNN international). I am so glad to hear an easy way to keep up with hobbies even with Covid.