Friday, January 24, 2020

Passing Time

As we can see in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Ros and Guil pass the time by flipping a coin and playing absurd games. When we read this play, we depict these games they play to be a total waste of time. 
However, we do the same thing! Often, in our free time, we play tic-tac-toe, flip coins, play 20 questions, iSPY, and of course sleep. We too, along with Ros and Guil, have time in our day in which we are doing nothing. So in turn, we pass the time with these absurd activities instead of doing something productive.
This provides yet another connection within our ONE and REAL reality. As humans we tend to have many of the same habits, and in this case, similarities to pass the time. For me, in my free time, I mostly watch Netflix, sleep, or play games. Each of these activities allows our brain a break from the stress of the day.

What do y’all think is the most common way to pass time??


Unknown said...

I do think that all of the things you mentioned are really common ways to pass time. I feel like especially when we were younger we would play games like ispy or tic tac toe. I feel like at our current age we pass time mostly with technology. Like you said, watch netflix or youtube. Or just spend time on your phone really just scrolling or doing nothing.

Unknown said...

I think the most common thing we do today is look at our phones or something other form of technology in order to pass time. Another way to pass time that I think was left out is listening to music or a podcast. I usually do those things in order to pass time.

Unknown said...

I agree with all of you guys. Most people just play on their phones or watch a show/movie. But I do believe there are still people out there who play those basic games like iSpy and tic tac toe. And really if you think about it, a lot of those kinds of games are apps on phones now too. I am actually waiting for a ride right now in Orlando and I am passing the time by writing my blog post. A little ironic right! I have been waiting for about 30 minutes and still have a while to go. To pass the time I’ve been playing uno on my phone and playing that basic finger game everyone calls “chopsticks” with my brothers. Doesn’t sound that exciting but it hasn’t been too bad. But I’ve also noticed how some people around me have been passing the time. A few younger kids to my right are playing the classic “rock, paper, scissors” and some adults to my left are playing charades. So in a short summary, I think there are so many ways to pass time and multiple people pass time differently

Bharat Solanky said...

Passing time is an interesting concept for me, as I feel that it serves as a break from our real lives. Usually, we think that we pass time when we are bored or have nothing to do, but it could just be because we want to relieve ourselves of stress and enter a new reality in which our daily responsibilities subside for a little while.
By the way, I usually pass time by scrolling through Instagram or watching shows on Netflix.

Elliot P. said...

I think nowadays the most common way to pass time would be using our phones, in our contexts. I probably spend most of my free time on games or youtube, which still includes the phone. I'd imagine in countries that don't have easy access to the internet or technology, they probably pass time eating or sleeping, if they have much free time.

msking said...

I would argue that this is another way in which the play acts as an allegory for life/the human condition. We do spend a lot of our lives just passing the time. Even staying busy in a productive pursuit (school, a job, etc.) is a way to pass the time if you really think about it, albeit a necessary one.