Friday, January 17, 2020

Everyone Else is Wrong (Brandon & Andrew)

During our class discussion on the nature of reality, Brandon and I were viciously attacked by certain members of the class. These attacks were based upon a complete and total misunderstanding of our assertion.

Our assertion is that an objective reality does exist, but there is no way to prove that said reality exists. Instead of reusing our arguments from class, we are going to use Godel’s proof. Godel’s proof says that there is no system of logic that can explain everything. Put simply, there are things that are true but that can not be proven. This is the essence of our argument. Reality is real, but it can not be proven.

Biologically, the nature of how we interact with the world prevents us from proving an objective reality. Very frequently our brains are fooled into believing in a false reality. Dreams are experiences that seem so very real in the moment, but are ultimately false. In an extremely vivid dream, our senses are completely fooled into believing a false scenario. If one’s senses can be fooled into believing that one’s dream is a reality, then no amount of sensory data could possibly prove the existence of an objective reality; and because our minds compile sensory data to develop a view of the world there is no way to prove that one’s experiences are real.

1 comment:

KING Tanner Duncan Sykes, The First said...