Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A dog's reality?

Hey guys, so I started thinking. I know we have had the argument about reality go on for a while and it got me thinking about a dog's perspective. (Yes. I know. My brain works weird. I am just curious.) I want to know what a "dog's reality" looks like. Does it look like ours? Or do they see people as friends or enemies? Or are we just really living in a dog's world? Who knows? What do y'all think? I think it would be cool to know what a dog is always thinking and how they see the world. Maybe that's just me. IDK Let me know what you think in the comments below ;)


KING Tanner Duncan Sykes, The First said...

To A One Miss Malorie Saucier,

I too have pondered this for many a fortnight, and I have come to the conclusion that (working off the assumption that reality is the same and is, in fact, real) a dog's reality is very similar to our own.

With Great Eloquence,
King Tanner Duncan Sykes, I

Unknown said...

I would have to agree with Tanner on this one: that our reality is quite similar, if not the same as for dogs. However, I would say dogs have different judgments on what’s important in life. Dogs are raised to fetch, eat, drink, sleep and walk, therefore these are their only priorities. One thing I have personally wondered is how a dog's understanding of a human works about. Every time I have an interaction with my dog, out of habit, I will say what I think is going through his head out loud. My dog tends to make facial expressions based on his emotions and which makes it easier for me to try to understand him. I’ve always thought dogs see our language as just another foreign language and eventually learn to understand parts of it over time, such as their name or different commands.

Unknown said...

Dogs experience reality in a number of different ways than people do. They have a larger range at which they can hear frequencies of sound, they have a much more powerful sense of smell. One very different characteristic is the perception of color, dogs have only blue and yellow cones meaning they can only perceive mixtures of those two colors. While humans can perceive a wider variety of colors as we have three cones: red, green & blue. Dogs essentially have the cognitive ability of a two year old child. If you were to think back to that time, you would experience the world very similarly to a dog.
Brandon Stokes

Unknown said...

I think a dog's reality is exactly the same as our own. However, their perspective is obviously different, and I doubt they could even grasp the concept of friends or enemies. Thousands of animals were here long before we were and "reality" was what it was before we discussed it. Just because we have the ability to ponder our existence and communicate our thoughts with each other does not mean that we can alter what's real. Reality, in my opinion, has nothing to do with individual experiences.