Friday, January 31, 2020

Literature Unites Us

As we heard in Thomas’s sermon in chapel yesterday, faith helps unite all people. By having the Honduran students come visit this week, we can especially see this. Although we may speak different languages, the “language” of faith is common to us both.
I think that literature does the same thing for us. Many plays, novels, or poems are common to us both. Yes, they might be written in different languages, but the story and morals are the same. This shows the importance of literature itself. If something in common among many languages, it is because it is essential to our lives.
Many times, we are looking into how others are different than us. However, we never really take the time to see how we are similar. Faith and literature are just two examples of similarities between us.

Can y’all think of others?  What does this say about faith and literature?


Unknown said...

There are many ways in which people can be similar. The two that come to mind for me are music and sports. There are many different forms of music yet they are one in the same. Also people are similar through sport which unites us and builds relationships.

Bharat Solanky said...

I think our common values help unite us. Specifically, the feelings of freedom and the sense of community that form an integral part of American society and culture work to unify our people as one. Also, with regards to faith, I think the moral and ethical principles of faith both transcend and block out any social barriers or issues that may exist.

Unknown said...

One aspect of human society that unites us is our pursuit of knowledge. The scientific community is probably the best example of this, for although it contains a number of different viewpoints it is held together by respect, as well as competition. This pursuit of knowledge allows people to work together effectively and further humanity.

Unknown said...

I definitely agree with Cameron in that the most popular are sports and music. As an NBA fan, I have noticed the global reaction to the death of Kobe Bryant. People all over the world are mourning the Mamba's tragic death, from the Philippines to Italy, and especially all over America. An example for music is how popular Old Town Road became over the summer. It was number one in over 40 countries I believe. I'm not sure of the exact number. There are endless similarities, however, between different cultures. This is because of the simple fact that we are all human, no matter where we're from. This is why we watch the same sports or listen to the same music. These things entertain us.