Saturday, November 23, 2019

Shakespeare’s Authorship

Many of you may already be aware, but there are some doubts out there about Shakespeare’s authorship. There have been many, even some famous faces, who have suggested that William Shakespeare was merely used to cover up the identity of the real author of the 37 plays attributed to his name. William Shakespeare was not a man born renowned. Before his works were written, he wasn’t known to be wealthy, well educated, or of high status. His plays cover a very wide and in depth range of political commentary. He criticizes the culture of his time and doesn’t hold back when doing so. A lot of historians point to Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, as being the true playwright. Edward was of high social status, incredibly well educated (he spent a good portion of his life studying law,) and of significant wealth. It’s documented that he traveled to a majority of the places mentioned in Shakespeare’s (aka maybe himself) plays. On the contrary, a lot of people think that Shakespeare’s magnificence comes from his ability to delve into his imagination to create these masterpieces. He didn’t need a luxurious and popular lifestyle in order to contrive these plays. All he needed was an opinion and the ability to express it.

So are u guys team Edward or nah

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Personally I’m a fan of the theory that Shakespeare didn’t write his works. However, I also do not doubt that a single person could produce many different, highly acclaimed works. I’d like to believe the Edward theory but I’ve got to stick with team Shakespeare on this one.