Friday, November 15, 2019

Forest of Suicides

The second part of the seventh circle of Hell is called the forest of suicides. The people who took their own lives are put in the circle and are punished in the form or trees. These people, the trees, are pecked by harpies( half woman, half bird creatures). On Judgement Day, these “people” won’t get their bodies back. Instead, their bodies will just be hung on the branches of the trees. 
Here is my question… If all those who committed suicides are punished to the forest of suicides, who are the people who are running around being chased by the huge, black dogs?! Did these people commit suicide, but get lucky enough to keep their bodies? With that said, what happens to these people on Judgement Day since they all ready have their bodies? Like we saw in the video today, there are a lot of complications in each circle. 
So, in the forest of suicides, there are trees getting pecked by harpies and people being chased by huge dogs. To me, this does not seem like an equal punishment. I would prefer being chased by dogs, than have my body taken away and being pecked by bird-creatures. 

In addition, I found circle 7 to be the most interesting of the 9 circles of Hell. The forest of suicides marks a unique part of circle 7, followed by the desert of fire. I found both of these parts very different from prior circles. Which circle is y’all’s favorite?


Unknown said...

My favorite circle of hell is the first circle, Limbo. I like it because its just a chill place where a bunch of cool dudes hang out. While it is bummer that they will never be able to reach heaven and salvation, they aren't being tortured in some brutal, horrific way. That's why my favorite circle is Limbo. That's how low I go when it comes to circles of hell.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Those running through the Suicide Forest are the wastrels. Wastrels are those who are violent to themselves through waste of either time or resources. They may also be those who never do anything with their lives thus symbolically throwing away the gift of life by not doing anything meaningful with it. Also, I would rather be turned into a tree and have my branches broken than be torn apart by hellhounds, I personally find the image of dogs feasting on my shredded flesh for all eternity slightly more horrifying than having bird people break branches off of me.