Tuesday, April 21, 2020

what have your parents been doing??

I've been seeing a lot of blogs about what everyone has been doing to keep busy during this period. People have been doing things they normally wouldn't, just because they have more time now! I've noticed this past week that my parents have started doing things that they never had done before just because of the certain circumstance we're in now.
My parents have started watching all those nature shows on national geographic, BBC America and PBS every single time they turn on the TV. Ya'll knows those shows... the ones where cameramen follow animals around while they do random things in their habitat and a calm, old man does a voice-over explaining what the animal is doing as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. My parents sit on the couch and watch these shows with the biggest smiles on their faces every single day. The other day, they were watching a show that was documenting baby owls jumping out of trees learning to fly and I could hear my parents cracking up laughing from upstairs. I came downstairs to see them happy as can be, laughing so hard they were crying, as each baby owl just jumped in the air, failing to fly and flopped on the ground. This was pure happiness if I've ever seen it.

I have never seen anything like this from my parents... and it made me wonder has anyone else's parents picked up any habits or activities that they never did before now?


Lindsey LaForge said...

Elyse, I think this is such an interesting blog post, especially when I look at my parent’s behaviors vs. my own. As my me, my day has changed so much. I now wake up later, go to beD later, and do everything later. However, for my parents, they seem to do everything earlier!! They go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, eat lunch earlier, etc. My parents are using their days to the fullest. They never sit down and relax. They walk, run, bike, read, work on the garden, literally anything to NOT lay in bed! I guess this has to do with the fact that they are always working so much that now that they have some free time, they want to do everything possible! However for me that I am always super busy with school, all I want to do in my free time is lay in bed and relax! Maybe my parents are just a little crazy, but I wonder if I will turn into a morning person when I turn 30?!? LOL. Quarantine has shown me how different my likings are from my parents. You would have to pay me to do the things they do. I mean who doesn’t like staying in the pajamas all day and sleeping in? WELL, MY PARENTS!

Unknown said...

For me*

Unknown said...

My mom who is a dentists spends most of her time at home due to her practice not being able to see patients (except for emergencies)at this time. My father, who works at University Medical Hospital, has to work Wednesdays-Fridays from 7 pm to 7 am running tests on hospital workers. I wouldn't say he is particularly thrilled with his new schedule. Whenever they have free time they are pretty productive and find things to do throughout the day. I'm pretty jealous how motivated they to do things and I wish I had their work ethics.

Unknown said...

It has been pretty weird for my family and my parents especially. We are a very sports oriented family so everyday we usually had a practice or a game or multiple things going on at once. It is so weird to be home all day and not have a game or a practice or really anything to do. We have spent a lot of time playing outside and going fishing and watching tv/movies. Also, my dad is still working everyday but my mom is not because as most of y'all know she teaches at STM. So, obviously this is all a big change and I hope it will come to an end soon.

Unknown said...

Well, my mother spends her time working from home, which is not too much of a difficulty for her, as her job is in the field of IT and she can work from a laptop. As for my father, since he's a university professor, he teaches a statistics class online, and he also does some consulting work on the side. My dad also spends a lot of time outside working on his garden, especially with his basil plants.