Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Climate Change

Hey guys,
I recently read an article on CNN that discussed how people should react just as seriously to climate change as they are acting towards the pandemic. Climate change is now to cause millions of deaths each year across the globe, and measures that we are taking now could be used to combat this issue. I think its interesting and really inspiring how the globe has been working together to combat this virus, and I think we could leave this tragedy with a lot of hope for our future. I think the key takeaway from the article is that it truly is possible for everyone to be a little less selfless sometimes to solve a big issue at hand. Coronavirus is not the only enemy that the world faces; there are endless problems to solve. If we paid as much attention to climate change as we have this pandemic, then we could be saving a predicted 7 million lives each year.
This quote was the biggest thing I took away from all of this, because I think it relates to how we aren't having to do much now to save lives (we just have to stay in and be selfless):
"But climate scientists say that adapting to climate change does not require radical shutdowns -- the technology needed to reduce emissions already exists. Renewable energy sources are a cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels, and making the switch makes economic sense."


Unknown said...

Unfortunately, years of misinformation from big fossil fuel industries have muddled the water on climate change. It is an issue that is just as serious as the current coronavirus pandemic, and very much needs to be addressed. Coronavirus has not been immune to the spread of misinformation either. Many right-wing news outlets have claimed that this virus is a ploy by the Deep State to make President Trump look bad. Ultimately, it just goes to show that truth often suffers at the hands of those who value ideology and profits over human lives.

Unknown said...

It is related to how our culture doesn't value science anymore. Value being popular more than we value being right. We have decided to be on the winning team not necessarily the right team. We are going to hear about things that we don't want to hear about. We are going to be told how we are wrong and we're going to have to recognize that things need to change. If we continue to ignore science and to ignore experts outbreaks like Corona virus are going to continue to happen and things will never get better.