Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My Quarantine is My Dog’s Vacation

Over the past few weeks, my family hasn’t left our house except for groceries and other essential errands. On a normal school day, my entire family leaves the house at 7:40 and we don’t get home until 5ish due to sports. With this being said, our two dogs are in the kennel all day long. They have gotten used to this over the years, but now that we have been home, things have greatly changed. 
My two dogs, Marley and Chip, are out of their kennel all day long and sleep in sleep in our beds at night. They get two to three walks a day, tons of table food, lots of treats, and constant attention. Marley and Chip have gotten so spoiled over the the past few weeks. Not only do they whimper when they don’t get what they want but are treated better than any of us! Chip and Marley are currently living their best life. As far as quarantine goes, they don’t ever want it to be over!

How are y’all’s pets doing?


Unknown said...

My two dogs have been really enjoying this quarantine. They are both 12 and they enjoy sleeping most of the day and laying down the rest. They enjoy that they have company all day now and usually sleep by whichever member of my family is sitting on the couch. They are having the times of their lives as they no longer have to be in the kennel when they are home alone as there is usually someone always at the house now.

Unknown said...

I’ve actually gotten to spend a lot more time with my dog and it’s been great. This reminds me of something very interesting that my friend told me which was “Now we understand why dogs get so excited to go on walks. We’re cooped up inside all day and going outside or in public is so rare which makes it all the more exciting. I think looking at this situation from our pets’ views is just another way to see something positive out of this situation.

Elliot P. said...

My two dogs are pretty used to lounging around inside, getting treats, and sleeping on the couch. They haven't exactly changed their pattern all that much. I'm guessing my dog Milo at my dad's house is getting a lot more attention, but also probably very stir crazy, as he always has an abundance of energy and always wants to go outside.