Saturday, April 25, 2020

So This Is It

So this is it. I don't think anyone could have predicted that this is how our senior year world end. I have know some of y'all for seven years and I don't know how I am going to start over again in North Carolina with y'all at my side.

In Lindsey's post she talks about my work ethic and how I get things done, but the truth is I draw my strength from others. I might fight with you sometimes, but I could not do what I do without y'all. To prove this I will list some of the major things I have done this year and tell you why it really happened.

Senior Retreat: While I did a lot of the talking with the Administration, Lindsey, Sara, and Emanuel did so much research and worked on planning the events that took place not to mention that Brandon got most of the snacks.

Senior Weird Day: On this one Tanner wrote the script and Brandon did a lot of the negotiating with Ms. Bond. I was just the organizer.

Service Day: Even though it didn't happen, without Lindsey, Sara, and Emanuel service day would never have even got off the ground. I merely dealt with passing messages between the Red Cross and St. Martin's. Y'all did the rest.

Forming YAT: While I am the President of YAT without Nick, Brandon, Eliot, Tanner and several other people YAT would not be what it is today. I just came up with the crazy idea of YAT but without my friends it never would have been a reality.

The point is I am only as strong as the people around me. Without people like Brandon who listens to me rant and tells me when I am being an idiot, and without people like Sara who know how to be creative I would never have achieved what I have. I could go on listing every accomplishment I have ever achieved in High School was because of the people who choose to work with me. If y'all ever need anything please reach out.

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