Saturday, April 25, 2020

virtual college?

are any of y'all worried about the first semester of college potentially taking place online?  On a separate note It'll be super weird not going to school anymore.  I haven't even considered fully yet what it's gonna feel like, I'm probably still in shock somehow.  I hope we all get to see each other again some time in the future.  Hopefully we have some form of in-person senior chapel, and in addition to what we do online before then if we have an online one.


Unknown said...

I am slightly concerned that we will not be able to have our first semester of college in person, but I am hopeful that we may return to some degree of normalcy by then. Right now, I am hopeful that we get to have our last moments as a class together.

Unknown said...

We will have our last moments together. Somehow we will get together before we scatter across the country.

Unknown said...

Hey Elliot! I'm really sad that we didn't get to finish end of the year together :( I feel like college might have to start online. If not it is just gonna start online and then, somewhat quickly, move to online classes again. It makes me sad but hopefully everything works out.

Unknown said...

I'm not worried about any virtual college. This will end soon enough. And we will see each other before we leave. Don't worry about it. Hope ya'll doing well

Unknown said...

Virtual college would be pretty sad, as he would miss out on our first-semester college experience, but I'm also not that concerned, because if those safety measures need to be put in place in order to save lives, then I'd be all for it.