Saturday, March 31, 2018

Why do we care about Pollock?

One of the most frequent critiques of contemporary art is aimed at Jackson Pollock, and often goes somewhere along the lines of "anyone could do this, so why should I be interested in it?"

I think the most simple answer is that sure, almost anyone can splatter paint on a giant canvas, but not everyone would take it as seriously as Pollock. If you look at one of his works, you aren't seeing the product of an extremely bored Sunday afternoon where he submitted to splatter painting due to sheer lack of talent for anything else. Really what you are seeing is the product of an intricately and sponatiously choreographed process. Each drip, splash, and spatter was considered by Pollock, and in every motion he felt the creation of art, which is really what creates the experience of seeing a Pollock.

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