Sunday, March 4, 2018

Death: Man's Eternal Foe

Today I woke up to the tragic news of the death of Davide Astori, who was an Italian professional soccer player. He was only 31 years old.

It was an ordinary day for Astori, who was Fiorentina's captain. He and his teammates were at the team hotel, preparing for the next day's away match. After having a team dinner and playing some PlayStation with a teammate, he went to bed.

But then, Astori didn't wake up. Reports in Italy claim that the cause of his death was a cardiac arrest. He left behind his wife, his two-year-old daughter, and other family members and friends.

It's a disturbing incident; athletes are always monitored and receive the best medical care, yet death can take anyone away in a blink of an eye.

I didn't know Astori until I heard this tragic news, but I was reminded of life's fragility and man's powerlessness in front of death. Despite the medical and technological advances that we have achieved, we still haven't been able to conquer death. We haven't been able to do so since the beginning of man's existence, and we will never be able to do so.

This helplessness in the face of death reminds me of Hamlet. Even Alexander can't beat death and returns to dust. But questions regarding death have been discussed in literature from all ages. And in every instance, we are left without answers. We are humbled in front of death.

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