Saturday, March 24, 2018

Igbo Music

In Things Fall Apart, there are several mentions of music. Unoka is an unsuccessful musician, whom Okonkwo sees as lazy for just wanting to play the flute. Other characters like Okoye, the man asking Unoka to repay his debts, however, are musicians who enjoy high social status. Additionally, instruments are repeatedly mentioned for their purpose of summoning the village for events or alerting them about things that happen, such as the death at the end of Part I. Achebe specifically mentions a few instruments, so I looked them up and found some cool examples of traditional Igbo music. In the video linked below, a group of five Igbo men perform a song apparently just out on a street somewhere. Two of them play the ogene, which I also linked a picture of. I'd encourage you to watch the video to see what the ogene actually sounds like and to actually hear an example of what Igbo music might sound like.

Image result for ogene igbo

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