Friday, October 20, 2017

Stephen King: the modern day Dante

Stephen King, the renowned horror novelist, is the modern day Dante in the sense that his horrific depictions are as terrifying to modern day readers as the scenes of the circles of hell were to the medieval population. King has been credited with creating some of the most chilling tales in the modern horror genre. Most famous for his work It and The shinning, King has released numerous terrifying thrillers that have instantly became classics. the recent film phenomena It, is a visual representation of King's 1986 novel, and has been labeled one of the most disturbing movies of the decade. I feel the viewers and readers of King's stories experience the same feeling of disturbance that the readers of Dante's inferno experiences. Both Dante and King created images that are disturbing in their own unique way; the images they have created are not just a use of scare tactic, but an depiction of their own original thought. Dante's depiction of hell was a unique interpretation, and all of king work invoke fear in their own clever way. Stephen king does not rely on simple scare tactics to invoke fear, but rathe he creates his own unique form of scare; Dante created his own unique interoperation of hell.

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