Sunday, October 29, 2017

Circle of Hell for the Self-Congradulatory

Okay, so while I respect Dante as a poet, it has been a bit hard for me to jump the hurdle of his very sly praise of himself. I mean, after all, he has created essentially entire universes separating the good and bad, and compartmentalizing everyone for their actions, so you would think that he would lead a virtuous life of temperance. Apparently he hasn't picked up on his own message though, as some of the things he writes bleed with pride, and while it is a bit funny, it is a bit off-putting for me.

I am amused, though, at his method of commending himself. If he had long passages of Dante the Pilgrim gushing over Dante the Poet, I don't think I could take it, but he really masterfully puts the praise into the hand of third-party members (although the worlds' best known philosophers aren't exactly the layman's third-party counterparts). Ultimately, though, I'm glad he had fun with it.

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